Sunday, February 26, 2017

Most Common Problems In Students Life And How To Beat Them All

First of all we are students and the future of our country. We are the dream of our parents.

We are students and we face many new problems daily.Many of us try to solve those those problems.Some of them fail but they try to solve them at least once in his life. Some students try to avoid those problems. Here are some common problems in our life :
  • Eating right and staying healthy
  • Failing to manage money
  • Failing to network
  • Homesickness
  • Not resolving relationship issues
  • Poor grades/not studying or reading enough
  • Poor sleep habits
  • Skipping classes
  • Wasting time/procrastinating
I am a student means i am learning now.We learn from book or internet or teacher or from other resources.In this students life we also have to learn how to solve or maintain real life problems.


Transition Issues

Some students will be homesick, missing their family, friends, and pets. They will miss old routines and structures.
  Students may be ambivalent about dependence and independence. Some will openly ask for parent support and others won’t tell parents important details. Parents need to ask their adolescent how they are doing without prying too much – while also being accessible and open.
  The school may not live up to the expectations set by the brochures and admissions counselors. Rarely does an admissions pamphlet tell all about the ins and outs, and the limits and shortcomings of a place.


The work is hard and some students may experience their first low grades. Most students have done well in high school. Some high school courses are not as demanding as college.

Students will be expected to maintain their own schedules and develop good study habits.
 There is no one around to force the student to study, to go to class, or to get a good night’s sleep. Students have to create a structure that works for them. Time management is a skill that can be learned or improved through work .

While many classes are small, some students may feel overwhelmed by large classes. They may be the youngest in the class or the least experienced in the subject matter. Many students are used to being the oldest and the brightest, and this is a big shift for them.

College Life

 There is a maze of things to figure out – such as which courses to take, who to get to know, where to go for this or that. A lot of energy goes into trying to make sense of the new environment. Students may feel confused and bewildered from time to time.

Reducing feelings of homesickness may be difficult for some but may be accomplished by remaining on campus during the week and on weekends. This may help students to get to know their campus and become more involved in athletic and social events. Students learn more about campus resources and make friends with other students, with whom they may find common ground. Stay in touch with those back home through phone, mail and email but force yourself to become part of the culture within your new academic world.
 Eating right and staying healthy will help you accomplish your academic goals and make your college experience much more fun. Get enough exercise and monitor the amount and quality of your food and drink consumption. This will increase the odds of staying physically and mentally healthy.                                                                                                                                               Poor sleep habits will leave you ineffective in your work and play as a college student. Take this challenge and read a current study related to the need for sleep and the effects of sleep deprivation on our health, both our physical and mental health.                                                    Unresolved relationship problems commonly cause bitterness, resentment and anger. Any of these feelings can cause us to loose focus of the goals we are attempting to achieve. Even if we must move, separate or even just “agree to disagree,” successful attempts at relational conflict resolution are necessary in each of our lives.                                                                                         While the temptation to skip classes may be high at times, you are spending your money to gather information given during class times. When you are not there, you are not receiving the benefit of the instruction as well as information regarding grading, future assignments, and opportunities outside the classroom of which you may want to take advantage. You may also be failing to spend time with professors and classmates who may, upon graduation, become part of a valuable network for you. This takes us into problem six.                                                                 When we do not get to know and spend time with classmates, professors and other academic advisors, we lack support and a place to go for ideas and answers when a problem does arise. Practical experience and internship opportunities should always be taken advantage of, in order to provide maximum networking opportunities for students.                                              Know what your resources are and develop an appropriate spending plan. Seek the advice of a financial planner or counselor. Don’t spend money unnecessarily or borrow money that may be difficult or even impossible to repay. Only the federal government can do that. Be careful about being drawn into credit card opportunities offered to college students. “Easy cash” is never easy and may also come with high interest rates.                                                                                                      Facing considerably more freedom than the high school years, coupled with a lack of accountability it becomes easy to fall short of completing the necessary reading and studying to increase your odds of academic success in college. Failure to dedicate the appropriate time to studying and reading is likely to have a negative impact on grades. Some ideas to increase your odds of success are to be in class, every class if possible, be accountable to others for you academic performance, know each course, the syllabi, the requirements and the professor along with his/her expectations.                                                                                                                                     While college is a social as well as an academic experience, these must be balanced in order to maximize success in both areas. Procrastinating may have been an acceptable exercise in high school but will likely become problematic in college. While getting to know other students/faculty, establish deadlines for assignments that minimize your stress level.                                                                                                                                                                                            In as much as college is a time when many people feel overwhelmed with the requirements of life, don’t let this go on for long. Consider seeing a professional counselor to help you organize, prioritize and better manage the demands being placed upon you.
"Engineering Drawing" What is this?

Engineering drawing is a study that requires special equipment or tools, to form  the images. Whether the tools be a simple pencil and sketch books, or a computer-controlled plotting device.

Engineering Drawing is an universal graphic language of engineers.It is used by them to develop and record their ideas and transmit them to others for execution. It can  express the complete information about an object (say a machine part), with exactness and details, as no written language can describe even in many pages.

Like the rules of any written language, drawing has its own rules; it has its grammar in the theory of projection, its idioms in conventionalised practice, and its abbreviations in symbols.

In this modern era everything is depends on computer.I will write how we can draw a engineering drawing with the help of software in next post.
Compare 2-D and 3-D wire-frame modelling with respect to their utility for an engineering industry.

1.2-D used for drawing of simple 2-dimensional objects.
   3-D used for drawing of complicated 3-dimensional objects.
2.2-D requires only one global coordinate system.
   3-D may require use of several user defined coordinate systems to create features on various faces of the       part.
3.2-D is difficult to reconstruct 3-D images.
   Along with 2-D images , 2-D views and even pictorial views can be generated easily.
4.In 2-D ends of lines are represented by (x,y) coordinates.
   in 3-D ends of lines are represented by (x,y,z) coordinates.
5.Curved edges are represented by circles, ellipses, splines, etc.
   In 3-D curved edges are represented by suitable spaced generators.
6.In 2-D to correctly represent a complex object, additional views and sectional views are required.
   In 3-D using hidden line/surface elimination complex components can be interpreted correctly.
"Semiconductor Material" what is meant ?

The material, whose electrical properties lie between those of conductors and insulators, is known as semiconductor material. The most widely used semiconductor materials are Germanium, Silicon and Gallium arsenide.

Do You Know What Is Doping?

The process of adding impurities to a intrinsic semiconductor crystal is called doping and the impurity used for doping is called the dopant.
Define intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor.

    A semiconductor, which is in its extremely pure form, is known as an intrinsic (or pure) semiconductor. The nature of semiconductor is such that even a small amount of certain impurities can change their electrical properties drastically. It is due to this fact, that a semiconductor would not be called truly intrinsic, unless the impurity level is very low.
    When a small quantity of impurity is mixed in a pure or intrinsic semiconductor, the conductivity of semiconductor increases. Such an impure semiconductor is called the extrinsic semiconductor. The conductivity of resultant crystal  depends on the nature and quantity of the impurity added.Depending upon the nature of impurity added in intrinsic semiconductor.
The extrinsic semiconductor are two types-
   (i) N- type or donor
   (ii) P-type or acceptor.

The Advantages And Limitations of Integrated Circuits(IC)

Advantages-  Some advantages of ICs over a discrete circuit are given below-

(i) An IC is much smaller in size and weight.
(ii) Low cost because a large number of circuits or components can be produced simultaneously on a small semiconductor wafer.
(iii) The IC is much more reliable due to absence of solder joints.
(iv) Temperature differences between parts of a circuit are small.
 (v) Easy replacement as it is more economical to replace them than to repair them.
(vi) Low power requirements.
(vii) Operating speed is high due to absence of parasitic capacitance effect.
(ix) Improve functional performance as more complex circuits can be fabricated for getting better characteristics.

Limitations- Some limitations of ICs are given below-

(i) High grade p-n-p is not possible.
(ii) Limited power rating as it is not possible to manufacture high power ICs.
(iii) Difficult to fabricate an IC with low noise.
(iv) Low temperature coefficient is difficult to be achieved.
(v) Quite delicate in handling as these can not withstand rough handling.
(vi) Voltage dependence of resistors are transistors.
(vii) Operation at low voltage as ICs function at fairly low voltage.
(viii) Large value of saturation resistance of transistors.
(ix) Need of connecting inductors and transforms exterior to the semiconductor chip as it is not possible to fabricate inductors and transformers on the chip surface.

"Listening" What we understand by this word?

 Listening  is a vital component of the entire process of communication. The effectiveness of communication is determined by the extent to which listening and comprehension take place in the course of an interaction.
 As we all know linguistic skill of expression consist of speaking and writing for sending messages, and listening and reading for receiving them. Generally we spend more time on listening than on speaking in oral communication. For being efficient business managers, listening is the most significant skill to be included in job related assignments in their firms. Around us we can find that mostly successful executives, politicians and teachers are invariably excellent listeners.

Factors That Help In Listening

1. Intelligence: The intelligence of the listener is an important factor that helps or hampers his listening capabilities.
2. Verbal Competence: It also plays a significant role, for these is greater comprehension if one is familiar with the nuances of the language.
3.Motivation: The above factors need to be conjoined with motivation which the speaker aims to achieve-how well he motivates his listeners, arouses their interests and keeps them engrossed and alert.

History Of Computer 

 In past the concept of computer was different. Any sort of machine with which some calculator or computations could be done was termed as computer.
 In history of computer, the first computer was found at about 3500 years ago in England. It was in the form of a heap of huge stones arranged in a circular manner kept on a big ground. This was known as Neolithic Computer. Following the method of calculation known as stone henge calculation. It was used to make different astronomic calculations.

 Probably during 600 B.C. Abacus, an improved system of computation was devel-open in which the numbers were represented by the number of beads placed on a rack and their position. Simple addition and subtraction could be done using this by properly positioning the beads on the rack. The name Abacus came from the Greek word  "Abakos". This is also known as  "Soroban" computer.

A Scottish mathematicians, John Napier (1550-1617), develop a cardboard multiplication calculator during early seventeenth century. In the year 1642, a French mathematician  Blasic Pascal (1623-1662) developed an adding machine utilising several wheels marked as unit's wheel, hundred's wheel wtc. Utilising the concept of this machine, Goffrid Wilhelm Lielnity (1646-1716), a German mathematician, developed a machine 'Stepped Reckover' int the year 1673 which could add and multiply.

A major development in computer took place in the nineteenth century. Herman Hollerith, a German Scientist, developed the Punched Card system. He utilised Hollerith code to enter instruction and data to the machine. The major breakthrough came in the year 1830, when Charles Babbage (1792-1871), an Englishman, developed the first form of a modern digital computer. He is known as the father of Computer Science. Earlier in 1822, Babbage designed a 'Difference Engine'  which could compute reliable mathematical and statistical tables. In 1942, he developed a new idea of automatic analytic engine which could be capable of performing basic arithmetical process. Unfortunately he could not develop the model of his Analytical Engine due to the constraints of precision engineering methodology, but gave the fundamental idea of a digital computer. He also specified the definition of a computer. 
After the development of the first form of computer according to the concept of Charles Babbage, the right path for the development of computer Science could be sen and researches had been started to design the improved version of modern computer.

The first fully automatic calculating machine, known as the Mark-I Computer, was designed by Howard A. Aliken in collaboration with International Business Machines (IBM) corporation. (1937-1944).

After this the development of the main computer started.

Best Version Of Yourself

Warren Buffett once said : 
"The more you learn
the more you EARN"

 This is so true.
 Look at successful people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Oprah, Mark Cuban and any other highly successful human. 
 They are successful because they used their time in right way.
 They are successful because because they are lifetime learner.
 They committed to learning new things EVERY SINGLE DAY.
 Warren Buffett one of the wealthiest human on the planet, is famous for reading more than 5 hours every day.
 Bill Gates reads a book in every week.
 Mark Cuban : 3 hours a day.
Oprah : Well, she is just obsessed with books.

Notice a common thing here?
 Successful people never stop learning.
 Think about this : You have $86400 to spend every single day but when the day is over, the                                        money disappears. You can not get it back.
 Would not you try to spend all of the money, before it disappears. 
 Would not you try to use it wisely?
 Use it as BEST YOU COULD?
 The same part is, We only have 86400 seconds in a day and MOST PEOPLE take this time for granted.
 MOST PEOPLE let this time without a second thought.
   We NEVER get this time back.
   We must USE IT wisely!
   We must be PRODUCTIVE.
   We must use use our time to do things we enjoy, or use it to SET UP OUR LIFE.
   So we can spend our FUTURE doing more things that we Want to Do.
   Instead of weasting  your time on meaningless things use it to LEARN new things.
  The time you spend playing video games or partying with your friends will never come back.
  Once you use that time 
 Use your time wisely READ BOOKS. Study hard and learn as much as you can.
 Most people give up on their dreams because it gets too hard.
 A lot of student start chasing their dreams because of one failed test.
 Because in their mind they have already failed the test.
 They stop BELIEVING IN THEMSELVES and once the BELIEVE is killed the DREAM is killed.


 It does not matter how many times you failed in test.

SUCCESS is not about money, the fame, or a big house.
It's about becoming  THE VERSION OF YOURSELF.

You will fall down many times on the road to success but you GET BACK UP.

GET BACK UP STRONGER  and wiser than before.
 Create mindset that does not allow you to quit or stop believing.


 Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

What happens when robots take our jobs?

Technologies such as big data , advanced analytics, the Internet of things , wearables, advanced robotics, learning machines and 3D printing are finding their way into factories.

Despite the sluggishness of change on today’s factory floors, this digital wave is slowly but surely revolutionizing manufacturing , contributing to major productivity enhancements and the emergence of innovative production paradigms that deliver more tailored and efficient solutions.

Needless to say, this transformation has profound implications for manufacturing employment, affecting everything from the size of the workforce, to the skillsets required and the locations of factories. Will this fourth Industrial Revolution lead to a jobless future for manufacturing or will the “traditional” response of education and training allow workers to remain employable?

A factory with no employees?

According to Autodesk CEO Carl Bass, “The factory of the future will have only two employees: a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.”

Indeed, from Jeremy Rifkin in the “End of Work” to Martin Ford in the “Rise of the Robots,” economists have been predicting that automationwill make human jobs – at least as we know them today – obsolete in the not-too-distant future. In the United States alone, manufacturing jobs have fallen from 25 percent of the total in 1970 to approximately 10 percent today, as James H. Lee reminds us in his blog on the World Future Society website. Productivity and employment, which rose and fell in tandem until the early 2000s, now show an increasing gap, reflecting the fact that humans are being displaced by machines for many jobs.

Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne estimate that 47 percent of U.S. jobs are at risk due to “computerization.” This trend is not just a Western-centric phenomenon; according to David Rotman, “fewer people work in manufacturing today than in 1997, thanks at least in part to automation.” In fact, Foxconn announced in August 2012 that they would introduce one million of robots within three years to replace human labor.

So will this trajectory lead to a jobless future for manufacturing? Not quite – or at least not immediately. But there is no doubt that Industry 4.0 will fundamentally change the nature of manufacturing jobs.

A different type of manufacturing worker

Some human manufacturing tasks, such as heavy lifting, precision positioning and visual quality control, will most certainly be transferred to or supported by robots, which are not only more efficient and effective than humans, but can communicate seamlessly with one another. Human workers will have to learn to work side-by-side and in conjunction with robots. Advanced automation will increase workers’ acceptance of safe and collaborative machines with human-like physiognomies working close to them.

This, along with wearables, augmented reality and other technologies, will change the nature of traditional blue-collar work, which will become both more complex and sophisticated, but also increasingly supported by technology. It is hard to predict whether Industry 4.0 will call for more- or less-skilled workers, but it is clear that the requirements will be very different, with a greater focus on flexibility and adaptability, and potentially less on expertise and craftsmanship.

Nevertheless, robots are still imperfect, and their capabilities are not yet sufficient to fully displace humans. Furthermore, and despite constant progress, the return-on-investment for fully automated manufacturing is still unproven, raising doubts about the speed with which Industry 4.0 is gaining traction. But the revolution is most certainly underway.

A challenging transition

Throughout previous industrial revolutions, overall job creation has always been positive, but there are serious doubts that this will hold true for this fourth revolution. There does seem to be a consensus that it will change all professions in ways perhaps we are yet to understand.

The other problem with looking at the future of manufacturing employment through the lens of history is that it does not take into account the exponential nature of digital technologies. The ubiquitous connectivity of people and machines, and the real-time data that define the fourth Industrial Revolution, are governed by Moore’s law (doubling of the performance/cost ratio every 12 to 18 months), while we tend to think and react in a linear mode. In addition, this transformation is not limited to manufacturing. It potentially touches all knowledge and service jobs, thereby raising a much bigger question for society.

The risk we are facing in the near future is mass unemployment for some categories of workers, combined with lack of skills in other categories – and the political and social implications of such imbalances. Will companies, individual governments and society at large (including educational systems and social safety nets) be able to adapt quickly enough to this new paradigm and create an environment in which all can contribute? For this to happen, all parties will need to collaborate in order to invent a systemic, social and sustainable model for a better future of work.

Xavier Mesnard is a partner with A.T. Kearney where he leads the global strategic operations practice. He is also a frequent commentator on Industry 4.0, sustainability and food topics.

(The article is contributed by Real Leaders, an official publication of YPO and inspires better leaders for a better world)

(YPO is the premier leadership organization of chief executives in the world. YPO is the global platform for chief executives to engage, learn and grow. Leadership. Learning. Lifelong. For more information, visit

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YouTube To Stop Playing Unskippable 30 second Ads Next Year

It is a good news for them who watch YouTube videos. Video sharing company YouTube has confirmed that it will stop supporting 30-seconds unskippable ads from next year. However, unskippable advertisement formats with 15-and 20-seconds long video will be supported. According to a report, YouTube will also show more of six-seconds "bumper ads" that cannot be skipped. YouTube was acquired by google in 2006 for about $1.65 billion.

Why server side games generally can’t be hacked We get many question daily asking us how to hack games such as Clash of Clans this ...