History Of Computer
In past the concept of computer was different. Any sort of machine with which some calculator or computations could be done was termed as computer.
In history of computer, the first computer was found at about 3500 years ago in England. It was in the form of a heap of huge stones arranged in a circular manner kept on a big ground. This was known as Neolithic Computer. Following the method of calculation known as stone henge calculation. It was used to make different astronomic calculations.
Probably during 600 B.C. Abacus, an improved system of computation was devel-open in which the numbers were represented by the number of beads placed on a rack and their position. Simple addition and subtraction could be done using this by properly positioning the beads on the rack. The name Abacus came from the Greek word "Abakos". This is also known as "Soroban" computer.
A Scottish mathematicians, John Napier (1550-1617), develop a cardboard multiplication calculator during early seventeenth century. In the year 1642, a French mathematician Blasic Pascal (1623-1662) developed an adding machine utilising several wheels marked as unit's wheel, hundred's wheel wtc. Utilising the concept of this machine, Goffrid Wilhelm Lielnity (1646-1716), a German mathematician, developed a machine 'Stepped Reckover' int the year 1673 which could add and multiply.
A major development in computer took place in the nineteenth century. Herman Hollerith, a German Scientist, developed the Punched Card system. He utilised Hollerith code to enter instruction and data to the machine. The major breakthrough came in the year 1830, when Charles Babbage (1792-1871), an Englishman, developed the first form of a modern digital computer. He is known as the father of Computer Science. Earlier in 1822, Babbage designed a 'Difference Engine' which could compute reliable mathematical and statistical tables. In 1942, he developed a new idea of automatic analytic engine which could be capable of performing basic arithmetical process. Unfortunately he could not develop the model of his Analytical Engine due to the constraints of precision engineering methodology, but gave the fundamental idea of a digital computer. He also specified the definition of a computer.
After the development of the first form of computer according to the concept of Charles Babbage, the right path for the development of computer Science could be sen and researches had been started to design the improved version of modern computer.
The first fully automatic calculating machine, known as the Mark-I Computer, was designed by Howard A. Aliken in collaboration with International Business Machines (IBM) corporation. (1937-1944).
After this the development of the main computer started.