Thursday, April 20, 2017

Finite State Machine(FSM)

A finite state machine (FSM) is similar to a finite state automation (FSA) except that the finite state machine "prints" an output using an output alphabet distinct from the input alphabet. The formal definition is as follows-
  A finite state machine (also called complete sequential machine) M=M(A,S,f,g) consist of six parts-
  i) A finite set A of input symbols.
  ii) A finite set S of internal states.
  iii) A finite set Z of output symbols.
  iv) An initial state in S.
  v) A next-state function f fromm S*A into S.
  vi) An output function g from S*A into Z.

Finite State Automaton/Automation- A finite state machine can be represented by a 5-touple.

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